17 July, 2021

Ahead of trilogue negoations between the European Commission, European Parliament and the AGRIFISH Council beginning on the revision of the EU fisheries control system, this article looks back on the entire process, and does a deep dive on the issues of seafood traceability and supply chain transparency. Full article here (in Dutch).

28 June, 2021

Following today’s adoption of the EU AGRIFISH Council position on future fisheries controls, the EU Fisheries Control Coalition condemned the failure of ambition demonstrated by fisheries ministers. The Coalition urges fisheries ministers, the European Parliament and the European Commission, to make an urgent and determined effort during upcoming negotiations to ensure that fisheries management in […]

25 June, 2021

Ahead of the AGRIFISH Council conclusions on the revision of the EU fisheries Control System, this article summarises the history of the revision and calls for more improved and efficient rules on fisheries control and monitoring. The control of all fishing activity is clearly an opportunity for the fisheries administration, as it will allow to […]

20 June, 2021

Isabelle Autissier, Honorary President of WWF-France, and Alain Bazot, President of UFC-Que Choisir, write about the importance of seafood traceability to support the fight against illegal fishing and for marine biodiversity conservation. They call on France’s Minister of the Sea, Annick Girardin, to support seafood traceability in the revision of the EU fisheries control system, as […]