
11 June, 2021

La Coalition européenne pour le contrôle de la pêche se félicite de la décision de la Commission d’ouvrir une procédure d’infraction contre la France pour défaut de contrôle de sa flotte de pêche internationale, et appelle le Conseil à ne pas légaliser les déclarations de capture erronées. Le mercredi 9 juin, la Commission Européenne a […]

11 June, 2021

The EU Fisheries Control Coalition welcomes the Commission’s decision to open an infringement procedure against France for not controlling its international fishing fleet, and calls on the Council to not legalise misreporting of catches. On Wednesday 9th June, the European Commission announced the launch of an infringement procedure against France regarding the compliance of its […]

9 March, 2021

Article summarising the European Commission’s concerns on the issue of “margin of tolerance”, created by the European Parliament plenary vote, which will increase under-reporting and mis-reporting of seafood catches. In a communication issued last month, the European Commission expressed that such amendments could lead to “massive overfishing” and undermine “the credibility of the European Union” […]